FMCSA Denies TIA Petition, Grants Rulemaking on Rate Intrusion

Alexandria, VA (March 28, 2023) – Last week, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) made two disappointing decisions impacting the supply chain, while failing to address safety in the marketplace. The FMCSA denied a petition for rulemaking by the Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) from August of 2020 on the elimination of the outdated and unnecessary 371.3(c).

At the same time, FMCSA decided to initiate the rulemaking process for the petition put forth by Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association’s (OOIDA) to require electronic submission of internal proprietary rates 48 hours after delivery and to bar brokers from including certain contractual provisions appropriate for notice and comment period.

The following statement can be attributed to Chris Burroughs, Vice President of Government Affairs for TIA:

“The FMCSA’s decision to examine whether a 1980’s-era regulation would have prevented the temporary pandemic-driven market dislocation three-years after the fact is both surprising and wrong. They are essentially picking sides between parties in an arm’s-length contract negotiation as their solution to a problem that was resolved three years ago by market forces. The FMCSA’s decision to act now to attempt to solve a commercial issue that no longer exists when there are very troubling safety and fraud challenges that do fall within their purview is confounding.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently noted that large truck crashes increased 10% in 2022, on top of a 13% increase in 2021. Additionally, 92% of today’s trucking companies are unrated because the Agency is using an outdated physical audit system to rate motor carriers. A new data-driven proposal was put forward under the Obama Administration, yet the FMCSA has not done anything to re-engage on this critical carrier safety issue in the last two years.

During this same time, illegal and fraudulent activities in the supply chain have skyrocketed leading to broken chains of custody and higher costs impacting brokers, owner operators and consumers. Complaints to the FMCSA-monitored National Consumer Complaint Database total over 80,000, yet the FMCSA has not investigated a single one of them and has not proposed any enforcement action. The FMCSA claims that a 2019 Administrative Law Judge ruling bars them from enforcing civil penalties on commercial violations, because their core mission is safety.

It is unclear when the notice and comment period will begin on the OOIDA petition, but TIA will remain steadfast in opposition to an outdated and unnecessary regulation written over 40-years ago in a radically different marketplace.”

About TIA
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at

TIA Achieves SCHEV Certification

SCHEV certification recognizes TIA’s commitment to providing high-quality
education and training for transportation intermediaries

Alexandria, Va. (Mar. 9, 2023) — The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the premier organization for third-party logistics professionals, is proud to announce that it has achieved certification from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). SCHEV certification is awarded to educational institutions and organizations that meet rigorous standards of quality and comply with state and federal regulations.

“TIA is honored to receive SCHEV certification, which demonstrates our commitment to excellence and dedication to providing the highest quality education and training to our members and the industry,” said Anne Reinke, TIA President and CEO. “We are proud to be recognized for our efforts to enhance the professionalism and expertise of transportation intermediaries.”

TIA offers a wide range of educational programs and resources to help transportation intermediaries stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. These include webinars, online & virtual instructor-led courses, certification programs, and industry events. TIA’s educational programs are designed to help transportation intermediaries improve their skills, expand their knowledge, and stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

“This certification is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, and we look forward to continuing to serve our members with the highest standards of excellence,” added Reinke.

About TIA
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at



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Freight Market Declines Test Brokers During the Fourth Quarter

TIA’s latest 3PL Market Report shows members have managed to grow business despite challenging conditions

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (March 8, 2023) — A weak freight market in the fourth quarter of 2022 led to quarter-over-quarter declines in shipments, revenue, and invoice amount per shipment among TIA Members. Brokers were still able to maintain their businesses, seeing slight gains from the third quarter of 2022, according to the latest data from the Transportation Intermediaries Association’s 3PL Market Report, Fourth Quarter 2022.

“The softening freight market affected TIA members during the final quarter of last year,” said TIA President and CEO Anne Reinke. “Freight demand is challenged but the economy remains resilient. So, too, do our members, who stand steadfast in their commitment to providing the best supply chain solutions to customers and the broader industry.”

As seen in the last 3PL Market Report, solid gains in real gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter failed to translate into strength for the part of the economy linked to freight transportation.

In terms of sector performance, less-than-truckload (LTL) recorded a sharp quarter-over-quarter decline in shipments but still logged the greatest year-over-year gains ahead of truckload, which saw a marginal year-over-year volume increase, and intermodal (IM), which saw shipments plummet for yet another quarter.

“The fourth quarter performance of the 3PL industry continues to indicate customers rely on logistics providers for a wide range of services,” said Mark Christos, TIA Vice Chair and Chair of the Market Report. “Despite broader freight market conditions and a decline in transportation cost, shipment volumes remained solid given the overall market conditions. Truckload and LTL volumes consistently outperformed total market volume in 2022, a reflection of the industry’s ability to aggregate capacity, leverage technology and provide reliable service.

TIA’s 3PL Market Report is released on a quarterly basis and uses data collected from 35 participating TIA members to analyze shifts in broker activity, which is largely dominated by the truckload sector. FTR Transportation Intelligence prepared this quarter’s report.

More Takeaways and Trends Include:

  • Net revocations of trucking authority – the number of revocations of operating authority minus the number of reinstatements of authority – during the fourth quarter far exceeded the number of net revocations in the third quarter of 2022. This continues a trend of small carrier failures that began in the fourth quarter of 2021, owing to a combination of declining spot rates and high diesel prices.
  • Payroll employment in for-hire trucking soared in 2022 and by the end of the fourth quarter, employment reached a record level and was 6% ahead of the pre-pandemic month of February 2020. This trend is likely the result of large carriers absorbing drivers from small carrier failures.
  • The combined effects of weaker freight demand and a potentially large backlog of carriers poised to fail has broader consequences for the trucking market. Larger carriers are not likely to continue to absorb drivers displaced by failing small carriers during ongoing market challenges. Therefore, the industry could see a substantial loss of drivers in the coming quarters, which would set up a tight market in 2024.
  • Intermodal, which makes up about 13 percent of all brokerage activity, continues to face headwinds. Slowed consumption and inventory replenishment have been compounded by distortions related to port selection and more attractive rates and capacity in TL. Further, a greater share of containers is moving through East Coast ports as shippers worry about a work stoppage on the West Coast where dock workers have not had a contract since July 1. That shift puts imports closer to U.S. population centers, which is more favorable for TL movements.

The full report “3PL Market Report, Fourth Quarter 2022, Issue 57” is available for free to media upon request.

Please note: The 3PL Market Report is intended for TIA subscribers and the full report is not meant to be reproduced or redistributed by any recipients.

About TIA

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at


Cincinnati, OH (January 10, 2023)— Cincinnati Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired (CABVI) is pleased to announce its collaboration with The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the leading association representing the third-party logistics industry, in implementing a new workforce development program aimed at accelerating freight brokers’ career paths.

“Logistics companies are often looking to reduce turnover and training costs, improve productivity and ramp up new employees who are unfamiliar with the logistics industry more quickly,” said Maurice Huey, VP of Vision Services at CABVI. “Our goal is to help individuals who are blind or visually impaired to advance their skill sets as they prepare to start a fast-paced, in-demand freight broker career.”

The course, TIA’s New Employee Orientation, will allow students to learn the fundamentals of supply chain and freight management, such as logistics, sales and customer retention skills that will specifically assist them in finding employment within the freight brokerage industry. Students will also learn professional and executive skill sets, such as communication and relationship management, that will provide a competitive advantage beginning on day one.

“These are good jobs in a growing, thriving, and exciting industry with a well-designed career path,” said TIA President and CEO Anne Reinke. “With hard work, relationship building and time management—there is often uncapped earning potential for individuals in this role. We are excited to be working with CABVI and establishing this amazing opportunity for all those interested.”

This partnership is in direct alignment with CABVI’s mission: “Empowering people who are blind or visually impaired with opportunities to seek independence.” In 2022, CABVI acquired Florida-based Route Transportation and Logistics, as a way of offering new types of job opportunities for people with vision loss. Route’s remote-first approach eliminates transportation concerns, a common work barrier to individuals with vision loss.

As CABVI’s CEO Teri Shirk explains, “This partnership with TIA will allow CABVI to train individuals with vision loss in transportation and logistics, even if they don’t have experience. The training will provide new opportunities for career advancement in knowledge-based jobs. We hope that 50% of all new job postings can be filled by those who are blind or visually impaired.

The course will be offered to individuals to allow them the opportunity to participate while transitioning into new careers. Students completing the program will have access to employment opportunities, sign-on bonuses, and post-course opportunities.


Founded in 1911, CABVI provides comprehensive services for people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired. The agency helps more than 4,000 people annually adapt to vision loss in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. CABVI provides employment in our Industries Program selling products to Federal government customers through the Ability One program. CABVI also sells office products through The agency operates a Base Supply Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and provides employment in Contract Management Services as well as Transportation Logistics. For more information, please call (513) 221-8558 or visit

TIA Institute for Research & Education Launches New Hybrid Executive Leadership Development Program

Alexandria, Va. (Dec. 6, 2022) — The Transportation Intermediaries Association Institute for Research and Education (TIAIRE) today announced an all-new, hybrid Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) that will kick-off on April 19, 2023 at TIA’s Capital Ideas Conference.

The only leadership program specifically focused on the logistics industry, ELDP promotes a holistic view of the latest in best practices across an array of areas that directly impact all brokerage businesses – all rooted in the fundamentals needed to operate and level-up a successful transportation brokerage employee to help them take the next step in their career.

“The Executive Leadership Development Program offers emerging leaders a thorough and efficient understanding of all facets of running a successful freight brokerage,” said TIA President & CEO Anne Reinke. “The program will build the foundation of a peer-based network for the next generation of connected members who will become the future leaders of TIA and the greater logistics industry.”

The program includes two in-person sessions at TIA’s annual conferences – Capital Ideas Conference in April & Exhibition and 3PL Technovations in October. To offer maximum flexibility, students will be able to complete the four additional sessions virtually between these two annual conferences. Session topics include: Sales & Marketing, Financial Management, HR & Contractor Management, Legal Management, Operations Management and 3PL Leadership. All sessions will be led by leading subject matter experts both within the industry and from high-profile universities across the country.

Registration will open soon. Interested in enrollment? Email [email protected] for more information.

FMCSA Releases Anticipated Guidance on Dispatch Services

Alexandria, VA – On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is set to release interim guidance on the definitions of broker, bona fide agents, and the role of dispatch services in the supply chain. The guidance from FMCSA is part of a mandate in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which was signed into law a little more than a year ago.

TIA’s members continue to see a rise in the amount of unlawful brokerage activities and an increase of dispatch services that illegally broker freight by handling “traffic allocation” for multiple motor carriers without the proper registration and regulatory requirements. This mandate is an issue TIA has advocated for to Members of the House and Senate.

The Agency’s guidance proposes conditions that would require brokerage authority for dispatch services, as well as other conditions that would not require brokerage authority. Specifically, the Agency outlined that if dispatch services handle the exchange of money between shippers and motor carriers, then broker authority would likely be required. Additionally, dispatch services will need brokerage authority if they do business with more than one entity if they handle traffic allocation.

“TIA applauds the Agency for releasing this interim guidance promptly to address a serious concern of the brokerage industry,” said TIA President & CEO Anne Reinke. “The Agency listened to our concerns and incorporated several of TIA’s suggestions on dispatch services. This is a positive first step, but TIA believes it should not be the final step. The number of unlawful brokerage activities continues to rise and these illicit dispatch services skirt registration and regulatory requirements. TIA looks forward to continuing to work with the FMCSA on this important issue.”

TIA and UTC Center for Professional Education Join Forces to Offer Local Freight Broker Professional Program

Employment Opportunities Available Post-Course

Alexandria, VA (November 8, 2022)—The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the leading association representing the third-party logistics industry, is pleased to announce its collaboration with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Center for Professional Education in creating a new workforce development program aimed at accelerating freight brokers’ career paths.

The course, Freight Broker Professional Program, will allow students to learn the fundamentals of the job such as logistics, sales and customer retention skills that will specifically assist them in Chattanooga’s lucrative freight industry. Students will also learn professional and executive skill sets, such as communication and relationship management, that will provide a competitive advantage beginning on day one.

“These are good jobs in a growing, thriving, and exciting industry with a well-designed career path,” said TIA President and CEO Anne Reinke. With hard work, relationship building and time management—there is often uncapped earning potential for individuals in this role. We are excited to be working with UTC and establishing this amazing opportunity for all those interested.”

“Logistics companies are often looking to reduce turnover and training costs, improve productivity and ramp up new employees who are green in the logistics industry more quickly,” said CPE Director John Freeze. “Our goal is to help individuals advance their skill sets as they prepare to start a fast-paced, in-demand freight broker career.”

The course will be offered in the evenings of spring 2023 to allow individuals in full-time jobs the opportunity to participate while transitioning into their new career. Students will have access to tuition reimbursement, sign-on bonuses, and post-course job opportunities.

Individuals interested in learning more about the Freight Broker Professional Program are encouraged to attend UTC’s Virtual Preview Event today. Individuals and companies can also learn more about the program on UTC’s website.


About Transportation Intermediaries Association

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at

About UTC Center for Professional Education:

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Center for Professional Education (UTC CPE) plays a strategic role in strengthening the local economy by providing professional, corporate and workforce development training programs across the greater Chattanooga region. The offerings are designed to help individuals and teams acquire the skills and credentials needed for success in a rapidly changing workforce.

For more information, visit UTC CPE’s website.

Registration Now Open for TIA’s Premier Annual Conference: 2023 Capital Ideas Conference

Alexandria, VA (November 1, 2022)—The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the leading association representing the third-party logistics industry, announced today that registration is officially open for the industry’s largest and premier event. The TIA 2023 Capital Ideas Conference will be held April 19-22, 2023, in Orlando, Fla.

The TIA 2023 Capital Ideas Conference is the Association’s flagship event—a conference designed for third-party logistics providers, bringing together more than 1,400 of the most successful brokerage-based logistics professionals from North America.

“We continue to deal with Covid-related and other disruptions to the global supply chain, and that will be a major focus of the 2023 TIA Capital Ideas Conference,” says TIA President and CEO Anne Reinke. “We will hear from 3PL industry experts about the best ways to negotiate the challenges we all face. Even more importantly, this will be an opportunity to network with others in the industry and learn about the different ways people are responding to various domestic and global uncertainties.”

The Conference will offer more than 100 education sessions covering top-of-mind industry issues, insightful keynote sessions and important discussions from industry panelists. The conference also hosts an Expo show floor which will bring more than 70 exhibitors showcasing the latest and greatest.

View the TIA 2023 Capital Ideas Conference program and register today. More info on the speakers, session and overall agenda will be available over the coming months.

About Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA)
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at

TIA Announces Launch of New Brand Reflecting Changes in Supply Chain, Logistics Industry and Membership

Alexandria, VA |  September 6, 2022

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) today announced the launch of its new brand, reflecting the changes and growth in the logistics industry and the evolution of our membership to meet the needs of a global supply chain in crisis. The organization unveiled a new logo and purpose statement: Center of the Supply Chain.

“We are excited to share our new brand at a time when transportation intermediaries, now more than ever, serve as the vital connection point in the supply chain between freight that needs to be hauled and the operators that need to move it,” said Anne Reinke, TIA president and CEO. “Instead of collapsing under the pressure of unprecedented challenges facing the supply chain in recent years, our members responded with solutions and innovation. As our association continues to grow to support this industry, we felt the time was right to rebrand and share our refreshed and refined purpose statement that best encapsulates where we are today.”

The forward leaning look of the new TIA logo creating a sense of movement is very deliberate and emphasizes the continued forward progress of the association, our members and the logistics industry. The addition of the green color to the logo symbolizes the growth and renewal that we continue to witness in the evolution of the industry.

TIA members continue to be industry leaders in the technology space as they adopt new technology and business processes to address an ever evolving and growing transport industry.

“As new challenges and opportunities continue to face our global supply chain, TIA and its membership will be ready to offer new solutions, fully embracing our role as a connector at the center of the supply chain,” added Reinke.

About TIA

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations. Learn more about TIA at

Media Contact

Colleen Gallagher
OnWrd & UpWrd, on behalf of TIA
+1 315-447-2331
[email protected]


C-TPAT Pilot Program Act Passes in the Senate

MAY 27, 2022 – ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) released the following statement following the U.S. Senate’s passage of TIA’s priority legislation, S.2322, the “C-TPAT Pilot Program Act of 2021,” the bill was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support and now goes to the House of Representatives for further action.
On behalf of TIA and our almost 2,000 member companies, we are excited to have additional movement on a piece of legislation that is crucial to our membership base. This policy is common sense, long overdue, and should be quickly put on President Biden’s desk for signature.
President and CEO, Anne Reinke say this regarding the successful Senate vote, “TIA is glad to see the Senate take up and pass S.2322. 15 years is too long for our members to wait to become C-TPAT eligible, today we are one step closer.”
Non-asset-based 3PL’s have been dealing with a competitive disadvantage for more than 10 years because of an intentional decision by the Federal government. The legislation, now before the House of Representatives, creates a pilot program for 10 previously neglected DOT licensed property brokers and 10 warehousing entities to be C-TPAT certified to show worth in the larger program.
Vice-President of Government Affairs, Chris Burroughs said this on the Senate vote, “Today the Senate passed S.2322 bringing together a rare coalition of Senate Republicans and Democrats to move key legislation forward. TIA is grateful for a strong floor vote, and we look forward to swift House action.”
TIA members are ready to get off the sideline and support C-TPAT with their enrollment. This legislation will increase jobs, increase business, and increase national security.
TIA is the premier organization for third-party logistics professionals in North America and abroad. Membership at TIA adds value to your business and provides resources for growth.
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