TIA Releases New Shipper Resource

Resource Examines Emerging Technology Expectations of Shippers, 3PLs & Motor Carriers

APRIL 30, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the voice of third-party logistics companies, announced today the release of its newest resource for shippers – Great Expectations: Shippers, 3PLs, Carriers Tackle Emerging Technology Needs of Customers.

As part of TIA’s continuing efforts to build and foster strong relationships between TIA Members and shippers, the TIA Shipper Committee (compromised of 3PL members) and the TIA Shipper Council (compromised of shipper professionals) is proud to release this latest resource dedicated to improving the relationships between shippers, 3PLs, and motor carriers.

The Great Expectations resource is a complete examination of emerging technology expectations of shippers, 3PLs and motor carriers for conducting business. All are investing more time and resources in new technology to increase visibility, business connectivity and transparency. In the final analysis, the value of personal relationships has not diminished, even though new technologies have been entering the supply chain.

In order to continue to provide value for our members and build upon the relationships of shippers, 3PLs and motor carriers, we are delighted to release the Great Expectations resource. What types of technology and applications are needed in order to successfully build upon that relationship is key, and TIA wants to provide some insights into that question,” stated Chris Burroughs, TIA’s Vice President of Government Affairs.

To view a copy of the Great Expectations resource, please click HERE.

Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of transportation intermediaries to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations.

TIA Awards 34 Logistics Professionals Coveted Professional Designation

3PL Professionals Commit to a Culture of Excellence with the CTB Designation

CONTACT: [email protected]

APRIL 15, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the voice of third-party logistics, announced today that 34 logistics professionals were granted the designation of Certified Transportation Broker (CTB). The CTB is the 3PL industry’s premier and most widely recognized designation, and is earned after a rigorous three-month course and comprehensive examination

“The CTB study course will unquestionably help further your career as a transportation broker and will increase your knowledge of the industry dramatically,” said CTB Graduate William Burns, Owner of Devote Dispatchers. “I would recommend that anyone who is looking to be a leader or just improve as a broker take this course. It is worth every penny!”

TIA’s CTB professional designation allows brokers to differentiate themselves within the marketplace by demonstrating core competencies in three tested sections to include 3PL basics and business basic skills, contracts and pricing, and regulatory environment and legal issues.

TIA congratulates the following logistics professionals on receiving the CTB designation following their passing of the comprehensive CTB examination administered on March 28, 2020:

  • Dane Edward Adams, CTB – Visible Supply Chain Management
  • Michael Arcaro, CTB – PartnerShip
  • Kelsey Bockenstedt, CTB – Rockfarm Supply Chain Solutions
  • Richard R. Bolman, CTB – Keller Freight Solutions
  • Keirsa G. Buckingham, CTB – Choptank Transport
  • Alexis Burke, CTB – Blue Line Logistics
  • Gregory D. Childs, CTB – ODW Logistics
  • Brian Covington, CTB – C&L Logistics, Inc.
  • Roxanne Dalton, CTB – Third Coast Logistics
  • Joseph Michael DeAngelo, CTB – InterCity Direct, LLC
  • Susan Donohue, CTB – Westgate Global Logistics
  • Michael Dudzinski, CTB – ODW Logistics & Transportation Services – LTS
  • Casey J. Emberg, CTB – Trans 58
  • Travis Garcia, CTB – Syfan Logistics
  • Adam Gilmore, CTB – Trans 58
  • Madison Goas, CTB – Tucker Company Worldwide
  • April Gray, CTB – WOW Logistics Company
  • Allison Hines, CTB – Chaine, Inc.
  • Adam R. Hunnicutt, CTB – Gentle Giant Logistics, LLC
  • Jamie D. Hunt, CTB – CTE Logistics
  • Michael Lafreniere, CTB – ILG Logistics
  • Andy Le, CTB – Shipwell, Inc.
  • Clayton Dean McConnell, CTB – Rockfarm Supply Chain Solutions / RT&T Logistics
  • Makenzie McGowan, CTB – Kinetic Supply Chain
  • Gerald Morsovillo, CTB – ILG Logistics
  • Zachary Naquin, CTB – NT Logistics, Inc.
  • Nathaniel Neary-Orne, CTB – Accurate Logistics Group
  • Danielle Negueloua, CTB – Johanson Transportation Service
  • Haley E. Oster, CTB – Rockfarm Supply Chain Solutions
  • Taylor Schreiber, CTB – Rockfarm Supply Chain Solutions
  • Gregory W. Tamm, CTB – UTS
  • Katie Tillman, CTB – CTE Logistics
  • Mahala Wilson, CTB – Wilson Logistics
  • Cameron Zipp, CTB – Gulf Coast Logistics

In addition to sponsoring the CTB Examination, TIA also offers an in-depth, 12-week CTB Online Study Course, which can be used by course participants to further prepare for the comprehensive CTB examination. Please visit TIA online to learn more about the CTB program.

TIA Releases Updated Framework to Combat Fraud

Framework Provides Essential Tool for TIA Members to Stay One-Step-Ahead of Criminals

CONTACT: [email protected]

APRIL 7, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Associations (TIA), the largest association representing third-party logistics companies, released today an updated version of the association’s Framework to Combat Fraud. This framework is an essential tool for TIA Members to stay one-step-ahead of the criminals as the magnitude, volume, and sophistication of fraud continues to evolve.

“Unfortunately, during times of crisis fraudulent activity increases,” said TIA Fraud Framework Working Group Chairman Mike Nervick, CEO of Sleek Fleet, LLC. “We need to work together to mitigate unnecessary risk.”

In the 2020 Update, the TIA Fraud Framework Working Group focused on updating the latest information available on the trending and emerging areas on fraud. Additionally, the 2020 Update added two new sections on internal theft and cybersecurity that were not originally included in the 2014 original release.

“TIA is proud of the latest update to the Framework to Combat Fraud. The additions of internal theft and cybersecurity were much needed, as these areas have been a major concern for our members over the past few years. I appreciate all the hard work of the Working Group, and Chairman Nervick continuing to lead the effort on updating this framework which provides our membership with the latest information and findings,” stated TIA Vice President of Government Affairs Chris Burroughs.

TIA Issues Statement on SBA 7(A) Forgivable Loans Under the Paycheck Protection Program

Businesses Are Encouraged to Apply Beginning April 3, 2020

CONTACT:[email protected]

April 1, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Associations (TIA), the largest association representing third-party logistics companies, released today the following statement from President & CEO Robert A. Voltmann, CAE, regarding guidance released by the Small Business Administration (SBA).

The SBA announced today that lenders may begin processing SBA 7(a) forgivable loan applications under the Paycheck Protection Program on Friday, April 3, 2020.

These loans are first come, first serve, so please do not hesitate to apply for the loan.

On behalf of TIA and our 1,800 member companies, I encourage all of you who meet the 500 employees or less employee threshold – per the “CARES Act” economic relief legislation – to inquire with your local bank or financial institution about applying for this great stimulus loan program.

TIA fought for the Paycheck Protection Program with your businesses and employees in mind. We believe that no American family and no American business should fail because of a virus beyond our control.

Please take note of the following specifics related to this program:

  • A small business is eligible to borrow 250% of their average payroll expenses (up to $10 million) in capital to be used for meeting payroll, rent, mortgage interest or utility payment obligations.
  • It is crucial you maintain your payroll for eight (8) weeks, as this is the determining factor for loan forgiveness.
  • Loan payments will be deferred for six (6) months.
  • No collateral will be required for these loans and no fees will be charged by the government or lenders.

Our members, the third-party logistics companies that facilitate freight from the manufacturer (shipper) to the motor carriers and other modes, are essential during this COVID-19 crisis. Many of them are struggling financially through this crisis and have been directly impacted by the recent economic and health downturn.

I once again urge you to reach out to your local banks and inquire about the SBA 7(a) forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program; this is an opportunity to not only secure funds for your business but for your employees who have also been struggling during this trying time.

TIA Issues Statement on Final Passage of The “CARES Act”

Relief Now Awaits President Trump’s Signature

CONTACT: [email protected]

MARCH 27, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA), the largest association representing third-party logistics companies, released the following statement from President & CEO Robert A. Voltmann, CAE following the successful Senate vote of 96-0 and the House of Representatives final passage by voice vote today of the “CARES Act”:

On behalf of TIA and our 1,800 member companies in all 50 states, I want to praise both the House of Representatives and Senate for passing this major legislation. This is the relief both individuals and businesses have been eagerly waiting for.

To our valued member companies, I can finally tell you that the wait is over, and relief is finally on the way for you, your staff and your business.

This legislation cuts through the political talking points and rhetoric, providing real Americans with real relief, in real time. For the last month, our country, and our members, have been reeling from the ongoing COVID-19 fallout. While this disaster is far from over and the economy remains down, this emergency relief package mitigates some of the damage perpetrated by COVID-19.

Our members, the third-party logistics companies that facilitate freight from the manufacturer (shipper) to the motor carriers and other modes, are essential during the COVID-19 crisis. Many of our members are struggling financially through this time and have been directly impacted by this economic and health downturn.

I want to thank the leaders of both chambers – in both parties – that worked tirelessly to get to yes; our members and millions of Americans thank you for this action.

If you have any questions, please contact TIA Advocacy at [email protected] or 703.299.5700.


The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines, doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of the 3PL industry to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations. TIA is the United States member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations, FIATA.

TIA Releases Contracts Considerations Resource for Shippers and 3PLs

MARCH 26, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA VA, – As part of the continuing effort of the Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) to build a strong relationship between shippers and TIA members, the TIA Shipper Committee (compromised of 3PL members) and the TIA Shipper Council (compromised of shipper professionals) is proud to release the Shipper & 3PL Contracts Consideration resource to assist both parties in contract negotiations.
The purpose of this resource is to assist TIA Members and shipper professionals in contracting provisions. The ideas, information, and areas suggested for review, contained in this resource, represent merely one set of tools among many others that TIA members and shippers may turn to as sources of information on contract development.
“TIA wants to continue to move the ball forward on developing value-added materials for our members, shippers, and motor carriers. This resource follows previous resources dedicated to detention time and building a strong relationship that is mutually beneficial to all parties or “Creating a Win-Win-Win Business Relationship.” TIA will continue to release these resources as part of our larger initiative to educate shippers and motor carriers on the importance of using TIA members,” stated Chris Burroughs, Vice President of Government Affairs for TIA.
If you have any questions, please contact TIA Advocacy at [email protected] or 703.299.5700.

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines, doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of the 3PL industry to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations. TIA is the United States member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations, FIATA.


Contact: Chris Burroughs
(703) 299-5700
[email protected]

For Immediate Release

MARCH 23, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA VA, – Robert Voltmann, President & CEO of the Transportation Intermediaries Associations (TIA), the largest association representing third party-logistics companies, released the following statement following the failed 47-47 cloture vote of the “CARES Act” on March 22, 2020.

On behalf of TIA and our 1,800 member companies in all 50 states, we are urging – in the strongest sense of the word – Congress to set aside the partisan politics and pass an emergency stimulus package immediately. The latest proposal put forward by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in consultation with the Trump Administration and Senate Democrats is the right approach.

It is essential to give businesses throughout the United States a much-needed influx of capital immediately. This will ensure that hard working Americans do not lose their jobs. This is right time do this stimulus package, and this is the right vehicle to get it done. Unfortunately, now we must further wait for relief because of what appears to be games in Washington.

As a result of this failed procedural vote which has stalled the passage of this much-needed legislation, employers and employees are once again stuck in the political crossfire of Congressional inaction. This legislation is crucial for the economy as it not only supports business but gives cash directly to the staff of our member companies. Everyone should and must do their part in returning our country to normalcy and out of this recession.

TIA members are rising to the occasion and working around-the-clock supporting thousands of small trucking companies to ensure shelves are filled with groceries, pharmacies are stocked with essential medicines, and equipment is moving across the country.

Action and leadership are needed now by Congress to ensure American small businesses do not fail and place millions of Americans out of work. We are not asking for a bailout. This is a situation beyond the control of business. Businesses need access to capital immediately, not strings from Senators trying to push their own agenda. The agenda needs to be to keep America working.

Our members, the third-party logistics companies that facilitate freight from the manufacturer (shipper) to the motor carriers and other modes are essential during this COVID-19 pandemic. Many of our members are struggling financially as a result of COVID-19, and now is not the time for Congress to squabble and fall into traditional partisan politics.

The COVID-19 virus does not discriminate between political parties; it attacks across state lines, isolating families and devasting communities. Its time for both parties to pass legislation that takes us out of despair and back into prosperity.

If you have any questions, please contact TIA Advocacy at [email protected] or 703.299.5700.


The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $214 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines, doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of the 3PL industry to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations. TIA is the United States member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations, FIATA.


Guidance & Clarifications for Employers on Recent Congressional Updates to FMLA & New Federal Paid Sick Leave

CONTACT: [email protected]

MARCH 18, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) Is Working with the Administration, Federal Agencies & Congress on Addressing the Concerns of Our Members During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Global Pandemic. The Senate Just Passed H.R. 6201, the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act.” This Legislation, Which Will Be Signed into Law by President Trump Shortly, Addresses Leave Benefits in Two (2) Ways, Detailed Below.


Covers Employers with 500 or Fewer Employees

Employee Must Be Employed for 30 Days to Be Eligible

Applies When Employee Needs to Leave for the Following COVID-19 Related Issues:

  • School or Child-Care Closure

Employees Entitled to 12-Weeks of Leave

  • First Two-Weeks (2) May Consist of Unpaid Leave (Subject to Other Leave Benefits That Employee May Elect to Utilize)
  • Full-Time Employee Must Then Be Paid Two-Thirds (2/3) of Their Regular Rate Pay
  • Limits Capped at $200 Per Employee Per Day OR $10,000 Aggregated

Possible Exemption for Employers with Fewer Than 50 Employees (Determined by the Secretary of Labor)

  • A Rulemaking Is Likely Forthcoming to Address How These Requests Will Be Handled
  • Standard: Jeopardizes the Viability of the Business as a Going Concern


Covers Employers with 500 or Fewer Employees Via Refundable Tax Credits

Employer Must Post Notice Informing of Employee Right to Emergency Paid Sick Leave

Employer May Not Change Current Policy in Order to Avoid New Provisions Enacted by This Law

Employee Is Covered from the First Day of Hire

80-Hours Paid Sick Leave for the Following COVID-19 Related Issues (Pro Rata for Part-Time Employees)

  • Self-Isolation (Paid at Regular Rate)*
  • Diagnosis of COVID-19 (Paid at Regular Rate)*
  • Compliance with an Order to Stay Away from Work Due to Employee’s Exposure to COVID-19 or Employee’s Symptoms of COVID-19 (Paid at Regular Rate)*
  • Care for Family Member Who Is Self-Isolating or Has COVID-19 (Paid at Two-Thirds [2/3] Regular Rate)**
  • Care for a Child Whose School or Child Care Has Been Closed (Paid at Two-Thirds [2/3] Regular Rate)**

*Would Cap Limits at $511 Per Employee Per Day OR $5,110 Aggregate
** Would Cap Limits at $200 Per Employee Per Day OR $2,000 Aggregate

TIA Understands That This Could Have Negative Impacts on Some of Our Members – Especially During This Time of Uncertainty in the Marketplace. In Order to Pay for These Additional Costs, the Bill Has Provided a Tax Credit to Cover Associated Costs.

The Credit Can Be Applied to the Tax the Company or Nonprofit Normally Pays for Each Employee’s Social Security. If the Costs Associated with Sick Leave or Family Medical Leave Are Greater Than the Employer’s Social Security Bill, the United States Government Will the Employer a Check to Cover the Difference in Costs.

You Can Also Download a Cheat Sheet with a Breakdown of This Information Here.

PLEASE NOTE: There Is No Mandate for Companies with 500+ Employees.
Congress Has Already Begun Work on Phase III of the Coronavirus Relief Efforts. TIA Will Continue to Monitor the Situation & Provide Members with Updates as Action Is Taken.

If You Have Any Questions or Need Any Additional Information, Please Contact [email protected].

DOT Declares National Emergency for CMV Delivering Relief in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak

Declaration Is First Time FMCSA Has Issued Nation-Wide Relief

CONTACT: [email protected]

MARCH 16, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – On March 13, 2020, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a national emergency declaration to provide hours-of-service (HOS) regulatory relief to commercial vehicle drivers who are transporting emergency relief in response to the nationwide coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

The declaration is the first time FMCSA has issued nation-wide relief and follows President Trump issuing a national emergency declaration in response to the virus.
FMCSA’s declaration provides for regulatory relief for commercial motor vehicle operations, providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts intended to meet immediate needs for:

  • Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19.
  • Supplies and equipment, including masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants, necessary for healthcare workers, patient and community safety, sanitation, and prevention of COVID-19 spread in communities.
  • Food for emergency restocking of stores.
  • Equipment, supplies, and persons necessary for the establishment and management of temporary housing and quarantine facilities related to COVID-19.
  • Persons designated by Federal, State or local authorities for transport for medical, isolation or quarantine purposes.
  • Personnel to provide medical or other emergency services.

To ensure continued ongoing safety on the nation’s roadways, the emergency declaration stipulates that once a driver has completed his or her delivery, the driver must receive a minimum of 10-hours off duty if transporting property, and 8-hours if transporting passengers.

In these tumultuous times, as the nation works to contain the spread of COVID-19, TIA would like to thank the truck drivers, dispatchers, logistics companies, and all of those working to ensure that shelves are stocked, and people get the essential goods and medical supplies they need.

TIA is the premier organization for third-party logistics professionals in North America and abroad. Membership at TIA adds value to your business and provides resources for growth.
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