TIA Daily COVID-19 Update – March 26th (Afternoon Edition)

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Afternoon Update for March 26. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.

The DOL has published the model notice to employees in response to the passage and enactment of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). This model notice is a version of what employers will be required to post in their businesses to advise employees of their rights under FFCRA.

Transport Canada has released guidance similar to the U.S. DOT from last week. There are few differences to be aware of, including a requirement to make sure the BOL states the load is for emergency relief and a requirement that carriers notify their specific provisions HOS director of their plan to operate under this emergency declaration.

Here’s Noel’s latest modeling. Yesterday was, as we should still expect, a mixed day in Western Europe and the focus of attention now. The oldest outbreak in Italy remains on a modest downslope. The bad news is that Germany, Spain, France, and the UK all saw an increase in their new cases. The good news is that most of the other countries show signs of stabilization. That is in welcome contrast to a week ago when all were in the upswing.

The U.S. continues on an upward slope with no signs of an early inflection. The best news is that our death rate is holding at 1.5%, much lower than elsewhere. Keep in mind that all the death rates are almost certainly overstated because of undercounting of cases.

Finally, Iran remains a troubling spot, having shown an upward path the last few days after gaining stability for the previous two weeks. It is now 31 days in without signs of inflection.


Eric Starks, Chairman & CEO of FTR Transportation Intelligence, is also providing updates, information, and guidance related to the COVID-19 outbreak and resulting crisis, which can be found here.


We’ll be back tomorrow with the Morning Edition featuring COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

For this afternoon, let’s think about the lights on Broadway and hoping they’ll be back on soon, with the Andrews Sisters’ “Lullaby of Broadway.”

DOL Releases Draft Poster

The Department of Labor (DOL) released a draft poster that employers will be required to distribute to their employees, which outlines the requirements of the new family medical leave act and sick leave provisions.

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update – March 26th (Morning Edition)

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Morning Update for March 26. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.

During these unprecedented times, TIA continues to serve you and build toward the future. Just today, we released a contract consideration resource to guide your contracts with shippers. We reminded you of all the model contract resources available to TIA Members.

We have also created guidance on applying for an SBA loan, even before the Senate and House take action on the new loans and grants.

Our Government Affairs team is also calling members to identify Chief Financial Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, and Chief Technology/Information Officers so that we can build communities of these folks. We all know the power of interacting as TIA Members. As we come through the COVID-19 crisis, we want to be able to expand upon our interconnections.

On March 25, the U.S. Senate passed S. 3548, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (CARES Act) in a 96-0 vote. The bill has now been transmitted to the U.S. House of Representatives, where they are expected to vote to approve the package on a voice vote on Friday, March 27.

TIA has produced a detailed overview of Phase III of the CARES Act. TIA will provide additional information and updates on the CARES Act as they become available.

We’re hearing the following from the insurance industry: Those 3PLs who specialize in freight servicing flatbed and specialized are feeling the early pinch, which could impact broker bond claims in the near future. Those who premium finance their insurance policies will start experiencing the finance company wanting to change payment terms as they are experiencing increased defaults already and the flexible terms from the past will likely change with the renewal.

Members should expect premiums to increase as underwriters have been consolidating over the past year or two for Contingent AL and since they have struggled to see any underwriting profit, the impact on the economy and stock market for investment income returns have disappeared for the time being.

With the underwriting challenges above, expect the policy forms being offered for Contingent AL and Cargo as well as E&O will tighten as well in coverage.

DAT is also putting out information regarding COVID-19 on a regular basis, which can be found here.

Today should be Opening Day, so here’s Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” from 1949. Soon, we’ll be back in the park watching the great American pastime. Go Nats!

Senate Unanimously Approves the CARES Act

Just before midnight last night, the Senate approved unanimously the CARES Act or phase 3 of the coronavirus relief efforts. Linked is a summary of the pertinent issues for our members. The House is expected to take this up on Friday by voice vote, unless a Member objects, which would cause House Members to travel back to Washington for a roll call. I don’t anticipate that happening, but this is Washington, DC…

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update – March 25th (Afternoon Edition)

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Afternoon Update for March 25. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.

The Senate agreed on a stimulus package (Phase III of relief efforts) early this morning and will likely pass it this afternoon. It remains to see when the House will take it up.

They could do it by unanimous consent (UC), but rumors are circling that the New York delegation could oppose a UC. Setting up a situation where House Members would have to come back to Washington and take a roll call vote on the package. Stay tuned for more details.

On a call with the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Chris Krebs, it was reported that they have notified as many political and police entities as possible about the essential nature of trucking.
They want to know about problems by emailing to [email protected].

CISA Director Krebs also suggests that people carry letters indicating that they are part of an essential industry.

On a call with the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) this morning, it was reported that some warehouse operators are experiencing problems with people coming to work. It was also reported that some local law enforcement was harassing truckers.

If you’re experiencing any challenges, please let us know by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

It was reported to us that some retailers are refusing the delivery of containers of goods they ordered. This could lead to excessive demurrage charges. Again, if you’re experiencing this please let us know.

The Department of Labor (DOL) has released guidance documents and resources for employees, employers, and FAQs, on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which the agency has been tasked with implementing.

TIA understands that these documents will not be the final guidance on the issues, as we await rulemakings from the DOL in the coming days. Stay tuned for more updates on this issue.

Yesterday was had modestly hopeful results with improvements in several Western European countries. Note there are five countries whose numbers yesterday fell, but who also gained the previous two days (highlighted in yellow). That could be an early sign of inflection.

The yellow cells in the Days to Inflection column have had a promising trend across at least three days. The big negatives were Spain and, especially, Iran. Iran is now 30 days in with a still increasing count.

As expected, the US had the biggest increase in cases. We are still clearly in the upward trend stage and should not slow down for four or five more days.

You can see the effects of the length of contagion in the comparisons by region. Western Europe continues to lead the tragic parade. However, its new case percentage has fallen dramatically while North America’s has risen. This is an expected result.

A week from now Europe should be even lower and North American substantially lower. That is a good benchmark to watch. If that number does not lower, then the pandemic may be headed for the scale discussed in worst-case scenarios. There is little yet to suggest that, besides Iran’s data. Still, these numbers will tell us the outcome relatively soon.

DAT is also putting out information regarding COVID-19 on a regular basis, which can be found here.

Finally, thanks to Scott Marks, TIA’s new Government Affairs Manager, for his work putting together guidance for SBA loans.


We’ll be back tomorrow with the Morning Edition featuring COVID-19 updates and information that came through overnight.

Hoping that Noel is on the right path, here’s Duke Ellington & Ella Fitzgerald’s “I’m Beginning to See the Light.”

CVSA Announces Delaying of International Road Check

The Commercial Vehicle Saftey Alliance (CVSA) just announced that they will be delaying the International Road Check until a later date due to concerns over COVID-19. Thank you, Kenny Lund, for starting this movement!

Secondly, early this morning, the Senate agreed on a package that will likely pass this afternoon, remaining on if the House will take it up. The House could do it by unanimous consent (UC), but rumors are circling that the New York delegation could oppose a UC. Then setting up a situation in which House Members would have to come back to Washington and take a roll call vote on the package. Stay tuned for more details.

TIA Daily COVID-19 Update – March 25th (Morning Edition)

As TIA continues to monitor the situation surrounding COVID-19 and it’s impact on the 3PL and transportation industries, here is your Morning Update for March 25. As a reminder, you can find all the latest information, resources, guidance, and news from TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center.

We had 126 members respond to the quick survey. Here’s what you reported:

Regarding employees, 17% of respondents said they were continuing to hire quality staff, 55% reported that they’re delaying hiring new staff or contractors, and only 25% said they would be reducing staff.

Regarding your business, 43% of respondents said they would seek financial guidance, 26sai% said they would seek legal advice, 21% said they would seek to reassess their insurance policies, and 53% said they would be adjusting their business plan.

60% of respondents said they were communicating more frequently with your customers and 43% said they were looking to provide their customers with specific resources to help them deal with issues surrounding COVID.

29% of respondents said they would utilize their TIA membership more, and 24% said they would assist TIA’s Advocacy efforts more. That must mean that the rest of you are already maxing out with TIA. Remember, you can re-purpose any TIA material for your customers!

The Senate and White House reached agreement on a business support bill last night. We’ll have the details in the afternoon edition.

A former employee of Grizella, who has her Certified Transportation Broker (CTB) designation and is now part of the hospitality industry, announced several hotels open for truckers.

Amenities Available for Truckers:

  • Conveniently Located Close to Truck Stops
  • 2-for-1 Drinks at Hotels with Bar & Grills
  • A Drink Waiting for Them Upon Arrival
  • Curbside Take-Out
  • Newly Updated Rooms
  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Fitness Room
  • 24 Hr. Front Desk Assistance

As India begins to shut down its almost 1.5 billion people, enjoy Tommy Dorsey’s “Song of India.”

3PLs: Unsung Heroes of the COVID-19 Crisis

Chris Burroughs | Vice President of Government Affairs

MARCH 25, 2020 – ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – The press is awash in stories of different industry segments stepping up to the plate in support of one another during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis. The media is highlighting the work of several professions, including doctors and nurses and their amazing work; volunteers throughout the country who are contributing a myriad of services within their communities; and truck drivers for keeping freight moving on our highways. These folks are doing amazing work during this tumultuous time. To this end, I want to highlight a group that’s also doing amazing work during this crisis and that’s you – America’s 3PLs.

Thank you for the incredible work you are doing to continue moving freight during this period of extreme disruption and uncertainty. While the reality is that with most freight, it’s the truck driver who physically hauls and delivers freight to its destination; but without YOU, that freight would still be sitting at distribution centers across the country. YOU are among the unsung heroes of the COVID-19 crisis who – without missing a beat – are keeping America moving.

My colleagues and I have spoken with several TIA Members over the last week and have heard some truly amazing and inspirational stories of community leadership and humanitarian efforts.

Bob Biesterfeld, President & CEO of C. H. Robinson, reported that in addition to contributions they made to Give2Asia during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan Province, they are donating an additional $250,000 to support those impacted by COVID-19. Specifically, they have donated to St. Christopher’s Truckers Relief Fund to provide financial assistance to truck drivers during these increased times of need; the World Food Programme, Feeding America and Second Harvest Heartland to support hunger relief efforts; and a number of local nonprofits.

I also spoke with John Miller, Owner of Plains Dedicated, LLC, who stated, “at Plains Dedicated, we are working tirelessly to ensure that our customer’s products are being delivered to our country’s grocery stores. We have seen this across the 3PL industry, with all logistics companies stepping up in support of the increasing demands. Our industry works with the medium to smaller truck lines that don’t typically work directly with shippers; and with 90% of carriers being less than ten trucks, our industry is essential to ensuring that food, medical supplies, and emergency products are getting in the hands of the people that need them. If the product is on the shelves in the store, a logistics company made sure it made it there.”

Omar Singh, President & CEO of Surge Transportation, works with a large Fortune 500 household food shipper who is inundated with calls from motor carriers and cannot handle the volume due to the tedious onboarding process and EDI integration. This food shipper is funneling these calls to Surge Transportation to manage their transportation needs.

“3PLs are more essential – now more than ever – as our shipper customers continue to lean even more on us to be their transportation management resource,” said Singh. “At Surge, we are handling more volumes for our customers, we have hired additional employees to handle the increased capacity, and we are working around-the-clock to make sure that products are being delivered to their end destination – as quickly and safely as possible. We are also launching our new dynamic pricing tool, which will allow us to quote a lane within seconds. I am proud of the response our industry and my peers have made throughout the supply-chain in this time of need.”

We don’t know how long this crisis is going to last, but one thing is for sure: TIA Members and 3PLs throughout the country will continue to be a leader on moving freight, ensuring shelves are stocked, hospitals are receiving the supplies that they need, and Americans are getting what they need in a timely fashion.

On behalf of the TIA Staff, I want to extend a sincere thank you to our members who are our heroes throughout the year for the hard work for, and dedication to, this great nation.

As a reminder, you can visit TIA’s COVID-19 Response Center for the latest information, resources, guidance, and news on the crisis.

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